Il brand Nasce nel 2013 dal’unione di due menti brillanti Filippo Maria Guidotti con un forte background nell'arte conciaria e Alessandra Tonelli cresciuta nelle metropoli più cool del mondo dove l’esperienza l’ha resa una art director formata.
La richiesta dei loro prodotti arriva da ogni parte del mondo: oltreoceano, Africa, Russia Emirati Arabi e specialmente dall' Europa. In apertura il primo monomarca nel quadrilatero della moda milanese a cui seguirà a settembre il flagship store in Cina e a novembre a Londra.
Le loro scarpe sono indossate da diversi personaggi famosi, tra i red carpet, serate mondane e shooting fotografici.
"Creazione,design ed unicità sono l’essenza delle collezioni Filippo Gabriele.
Le nostre calzature sono pensate per una donna dinamica, intraprendente senza dimenticare la classe e la femminilità" - racconta Alessandra Tonelli.
"Secondo il vostro parere è più importante la bellezza o la comodità di una calzatura al fine di far sentire a proprio agio la donna che la indossa? A cosa si ispira la creazione delle vostre calzature? Quali sono le linee guida che influenzano la vostra produzione?"-chiedo.
"Entrambi sono elementi fondamentali nel processo di creazione delle nostre opere d’arte. Il nostro prodotto viene appositamente pensato al fine di poter unire la qualità e l’originalità della calzatura senza perdere di vista la comodità per un portamento naturale e spigliato 24 ore al giorno"- risponde Alessandra."Secondo il vostro parere è più importante la bellezza o la comodità di una calzatura al fine di far sentire a proprio agio la donna che la indossa? A cosa si ispira la creazione delle vostre calzature? Quali sono le linee guida che influenzano la vostra produzione?"-chiedo.
"Il processo di creazione delle nostre calzature prende ispirazione dal'indimenticabile Walter Albini, sinonimo di una stravaganza portata con classe dove la donna ricerca la propria femminilità in forme a volte elaborate ma sempre chic."
"La scarpa per una donna è come un gioiello, la impreziosisce, la rende sensuale e racconta la sua storia", È cosi che Alessandra Tonelli descrive le sue creazioni; " per donne contemporanee ed eleganti, senza dimenticare la femminilità".
It's hard to imagine a person who does not love shoes. The shoes represent our personality our caracter and also our social status. Beautiful shoes help us to complete our look and make us feel really fashionable. As a real shoes addicted i have to tell you about the new brand that cought my attention by their amazing creations. It' s called Filippo Gabriele.
The brand was born in 2013 from the union of two brilliant minds Filippo Maria Guidotti with a strong background in art of tanning and Alessandra Tonelli who grew up in che coolest capitals of the world becoming the art director with great experience.
The demand for their products reach from every part of the world ; Africa, Russia, the United Arab and Europe. There is the first store in opening in Milan's fashion district which will be followed in September by the flagship store in China and in November in London.
We can see famous people wearing F.G. shoes on red carpet, social evenings and photoshoots.
"Creation, design and uniqueness are the essence of the Philippo Gabriel's collections,
our shoes are designed for a dynamic and enterprising woman without forgetting the class and femininity "- says Alessandra.
I make a question to Alessandra: "According to your opinion is more important the beauty or the comfort of a shoe in order to make feel at ease the woman who wears it? What does inspire the creation of your footwear? What are the guidelines that influence your production ? " "Both are key elements in the creation of our artwork. Our product is specially designed to be able to combine the quality and originality of the shoe without losing sight of the convenience for a natural gait and breezy 24 hours a day "- answers Alessandra.
"The process of creation of our footwear is inspired by the unforgettable Walter Albini, synonymous with extravagance brought with class where women find their femininity in forms sometimes elaborate but always chic.The shoe for a woman is like a jewel,it makes her precious, makes her feel sensual and tells her story." This is how Alessandra Tonelli describes her creations; "For contemporary and elegant women, without forgetting femininity".
It's hard to imagine a person who does not love shoes. The shoes represent our personality our caracter and also our social status. Beautiful shoes help us to complete our look and make us feel really fashionable. As a real shoes addicted i have to tell you about the new brand that cought my attention by their amazing creations. It' s called Filippo Gabriele.
The brand was born in 2013 from the union of two brilliant minds Filippo Maria Guidotti with a strong background in art of tanning and Alessandra Tonelli who grew up in che coolest capitals of the world becoming the art director with great experience.
The demand for their products reach from every part of the world ; Africa, Russia, the United Arab and Europe. There is the first store in opening in Milan's fashion district which will be followed in September by the flagship store in China and in November in London.
We can see famous people wearing F.G. shoes on red carpet, social evenings and photoshoots.
"Creation, design and uniqueness are the essence of the Philippo Gabriel's collections,
our shoes are designed for a dynamic and enterprising woman without forgetting the class and femininity "- says Alessandra.
I make a question to Alessandra: "According to your opinion is more important the beauty or the comfort of a shoe in order to make feel at ease the woman who wears it? What does inspire the creation of your footwear? What are the guidelines that influence your production ? " "Both are key elements in the creation of our artwork. Our product is specially designed to be able to combine the quality and originality of the shoe without losing sight of the convenience for a natural gait and breezy 24 hours a day "- answers Alessandra.
"The process of creation of our footwear is inspired by the unforgettable Walter Albini, synonymous with extravagance brought with class where women find their femininity in forms sometimes elaborate but always chic.The shoe for a woman is like a jewel,it makes her precious, makes her feel sensual and tells her story." This is how Alessandra Tonelli describes her creations; "For contemporary and elegant women, without forgetting femininity".
Sandali con pelliccia Sandals with fur |
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Modello Dafne con fiocco rimovibile Dafne model. The bow is removable. |
La perfezione ed eleganza di modello "Dafne" The perfection and elegance of "Dafne" model |
Modello "Philip " Model " Philip" |
Varietà di materiali di Modelli Filippo Gabriele Variety of materials of Filippo Gabriele shoes |
Modello "Svetlana" . Dettagli Dettails of model " Svetlana" |
Debora, Naomi, Margherita Svetlana and Nuvola |
Un sandalo realizzato in camoscio Stefania. Comodo, elegante e molto chic. Sandal made of Stefania suede. Comfortable, elegant and chic |
Alcuni modelli di sleepers. Eleganza , design ed attenzione ai dettagli, firmata Filippo Gabriele. Some models of sleepers. Elegance, design and attention to details of Fillipo Gabriele. |
Modello "Debora" con pelliccia di astracan, camoscio Stefania; tacco e plateau di radica. Model " Debora" made of suede Stefania, astrachan fur; the and plateau are made by burl wood. |
Mi sono innamorata di queste scarpe...
Fall in love with these shoes... |
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