lunedì 5 ottobre 2015

La Foi..... There is no better therapy than shopping!

"Yes, I'm a shopaholic!" Quante di voi hanno detto  questa frase almeno una volta nella vita? Se siete amanti della moda, del design e  lo shopping è il vostro rimedio a tutti i problemi, allora ho una grande notizia per voi, fashioniste! Vi presento LA FOI - un brand nuovo che produce  "medicinali" per noi shopping-addicted! 
Il brand è una  creazione di Federica Ameri. "Mi occupo sia della parte creativa sia dello sviluppo prodotto. …LA FOI… nasce nel 2014 con Vanity Chair, un progetto dedicato al design e all’arredamento contemporaneo, presentato in occasione del Salone del Mobile 2015,"- racconta Federica. 
"Federica ,come è nata l' idea di queste pochette -medicine?" "Una famiglia di medici alle spalle unita ad una grande passione per il design, Capsule Collection ne è il risultato.
“There’s no better therapy than shopping”."
 La  sua prima collezione è composta da 8 modelli: Compressa, Pillola blu e Pillola rosa, Confezione 500 mg e 1000 mg, Scatola 500 mg., Pronto Soccorso e Capsula, quest’ultima personalizzabile in numerose varianti di colore.
 Il Made in Italy è parte integrante di tutte le creazioni di Federica, le “ Medical Clutch “ sono realizzate in plexiglass e le finiture in galvanica.
 Le inconfondibili confezioni e forme dei farmaci più noti, diventano inseparabili compagne di avventure per ragazze ironiche ed attente al design.
"La ricetta fashion firmata Federica Ameri?"  "Preferisco sostituire al termine fashion personalità, sense of humor e ricercatezza. E’ questo che prescriverei alle mie “ pazienti ", risponde Federica. 
Capsule Collection, al momento acquistabile inviando un’ email a, sarà presto disponibile anche presso una selezionata rete di rivenditori in Italia e all’estero.

Me at  La Foi stand on White Milano Trade Show 

sabato 3 ottobre 2015

Best looks on Milano Fashion Week SS2016

Hello, fashion babes! The Milano Fashion Week is over and I am ready to show you the best looks of streetstyle that I've have cought on the the streets of Milano. This Year there  are many colorful outfits, so enjoy! Hope you  guys like them! 

All the photos are taken by me

venerdì 2 ottobre 2015

Dante Vulgar. Made in USA

What time is it now? I don't know where do you live, but i think that's the right moment to introduce you, guys, the novelty in the world of whatches! The new american brand based in  L.A.
Dante Vulgar was founded March 2015 and the founder and Designer is Dante Duckett.

Dante Vulgar  produces classic and clean designed watches that provide swiss movement.  There is only one model available at the moment.
The movement and internal parts are created in Switzerland. 
My question to Dante -"What does distinguish your creations from others? How can we recognize Your watches? Is there some particolar sign of Your brand?"
"The most bold and distinguishing aspect of this model is the pure introduction of the logo. The logo itself possesses attention causing the entire watch to demand the same level of attention,"- says  Dante, " Future designs will exhibit and reflect the attention-to-detail and design that the Dante Vulgar brand and name represents. All our items are unisex."

"Dante,  tell us about Your latest collection.  Which piece is the best -seller? "
"The "Vugari Classic" Watch Collection is our starting item to propel the company at the moment. The best seller is the Limited "Midnight" all black watch that individuals have purchasing."  

The mechanism of   Dante Vulgar watches  are  swiss quartz. Battery Powered but the brand introduces various selections of movements in  near future.
"Dante, can You please  give us an advice advice how to choose the perfect watch and to be fashion?" 
"Our Timepieces give our customers the simplicity of telling time along with making a statement to style and function. You can wear your timepiece various places and the "Vulgari Classic" never outshines you but more edify and defines you as a person physically. This timepiece let others know that there's a purpose to everything that the owner does and that the confidence that the owner has all the right tools to do what needs to be done. Its a statement than just a watch." 

You can purchase all their  timepieces online at the moment at There will be difference in shipping price depending on location  

My watchees from Dante Vulgar

Me wearing Dante Vulgar during The White Milano

Me wearing Dante Vulgar

martedì 29 settembre 2015


 I've got news fo those who's been waiting to discover new brands. There is a new born brand  called "Alves". This brand was founded in 2012 with a small production line producing knitted swatches in New York & Paris which was then sold to companies such as Victoria Secrets & Banana Republic.
"Suddenly the brand needed change and development so I furthered my knowledge and skills by studying at the Royal College of Arts London in Menswear Knitwear," -says Justin Alves ( creative director of the brand), 
"From this the brand was recognised and presented through different platforms such as Liberty's London & Vogue."
Alves is specialised in Knitwear & Denimwear for Men & Women.
"I want the clothes to act as a powerful vehicle to carry the message of masculanity, feminility, luxury and fine sexuality,"says Justin, -"It would echo what Alves stands for"
 "Justin, tell us about Your latest collection. What it was inspired by?"-" Every collection I have produced tells a story from my life, what I have seen, what I have felt, people that I have loved and lost. Inspiration may come from any source; nature, lifestyle, people, feelings and music.
The Concept of the Spring Summer 016 collection;
Zinnia: the name of my mother and the name of a flower that symbolizes the cultural heritage that permeates this collection. This vivid red flower is characteristic of Portuguese culture, discernible on roof tops and on ceremonial attire. My mother represents the fragility of a flower, sharing the same delicacy and softness as captured by the image of her. The soft breeze and the endless possibility that the sea embodies mesmerised me and took my imagination to another place. Such aesthetics captivate our vision, enchant us with their vibrancy and arouse our imaginations in ways that foster a sense of escapism. The evocativeness of these images mirror those of Frida Kahlo, whose artwork awakens the same overwhelming yet captivating feelings. We are invited to let our imaginations wonder freely and unreservedly: an escapism that manifests through my clothing. It is an amalgamation of these fragments that my work reflects as I have taken these elements and fused them to create a collection that mirrors the freedom epitomised by the images."

 "Justin, can You describe a person who chooses Your clothes? What kind of public Your creations are destinated to?" -"The person for Alves should allow himself/herself to be expressive and self confident, not afraid of change," - says Justin.

From January 2016 we can buy the creations of Alves from his online store

Justin Alves  at work 

Me wearing personalized patchwork shirt during Milano Fashion Week

Me speaking with blogger Alina Keller during Milano Fashion Week, wearing Alves,
photo by Vladlena Demisheva

Special thanks to  the store
"Portici Calzature" (via S. Agostino 17, Mondovì) for my Cult Shoes.