lunedì 31 ottobre 2016

Valeri Christina

Hello fashion babez! Do you love accessories? I am sure you do. Today i'm gonna tell you about new brand that creates amazing accessories that stole my heart. It's named Valeri Cristina. The brand was founded in December 2014. "I started the development of the brand in Paris before moving to London last year,"- says Christina , the creative director of the brand. 
I'm the creative director and I'm managing all the aspects of the business at the moment." 

Valeri Christina  produces costume jewelleries mainly for women. 
"As men were very interested, I decided to create bangles for them. Nevertheless, they are not my main target at the moment."
She creates  necklaces, bangles,bracelets, earrings and rings. Most of the pieces are unique and she  makes a lot of customized orders.
"Christina, tell us about your collections"
"Liberty" was my first handmade jewellery collection. This collection represented my state of mind and my creative rebirth. I was inspired by the african and european trends, my heritage. 
I'm from Greece and Cameroon and I had the chance to live in those 2 countries. In addition, I studied abroad in France, Ireland and in USA. Those travels influenced me a lot and opened my mind and enlarged my vision of the world. Now, I like to define myself as a citizen of the world.
I started the collection with 60 pieces. Today, I have more than 130 pieces. In my first collection, I used a lot of white, black, red and dark green colours to match more easily outfits during autumn/winter. "
"What kind of materials are used for your creations?"
"I love using different types of ropes as well as leather.  
To design my jewelleries, I love using different materials like for example:  ribbons, satin, velvets, wool, different types of threads, strass and cowries. 
I mixed materials to bring originality and unique pieces."
 "Have you thought also about creating bags or other types of accessories? "
"Yes, the idea is to start with jewelleries and after, develop bags and work on a clothing line."   
" Where  can we buy your creations? "
"At the moment, I'm selling my collection on Etsy and I organize private sales in London and in Paris. Maybe Italy soon. 
I'm working on the development of my website. I plan to launch it soon.

  "Fashion advise from Valeri Christina?"  
"Difficult question.  I have to say: "Get to know yourself, dare trying different styles and products untill you find what suits you the best.  You have to feel Confident with your outfit and accessories. Confidence is the key to success."

Me wearing Valeri Christina's creations

martedì 2 agosto 2016

MALAIKA -sustainable fashion

Hello  fashion babez! Today I am going to tell you about new born brand named Malaika. New York based MALAIKA is a minimalistic and futuristic Scandinavian apparel brand with focus on sustainable, high -quality garmnets and accessories. Their progressive mindest is the pillar of everything they design and produce. Their goals are long term wearability and sustinability.

Instead of following traditional fashion seasons, they design pieces that will be a statement in the now and in the future and for each garment sold the tree will be planted in for the canopy project in east Africa.

Everything issourced and  produced locally in New York to mantain quality and standarts, but also to support US garment industry. MALAIKA strives to sustainable by minimizing waste and recycling fabrics/plastics back into their designs. 

To further minmize waste, their collection is made with simplified or zero waste patterns - giving each design a distinct purpose. 

Visit website of Malaika

sabato 16 luglio 2016


Hello guys! I was a little bit busy, so I left my blog for some months! But I am back! And I start again with new post dedicated to shoes! As a real shoes - addicted I have to introduce you the new brand that makes amazing shoes! 
Abcense based In Taipei, Taiwan and it was founded in 2012, Abcense luxury brand has created art within the footwear fashion market. 
 The dynamic duo Yoyo Pan and Jhuosan Wang are creative directors of the brand, who collaborate to express their passion for architecture and industrial components, which they show through each growing shoe collection. 
 Abcense’s line includes practical shoes that come in an astonishing variety of styles, variations and shapes. The shoes are crafted using a mix of different, fine materials and are all individually hand-finished. 
 On a recent voyage to Rotterdam, South Holland, designers found stimulation in the revolutionary architecture as the edgy and innovative inspiration for the Autumn/Winter 2016 collection. You’ll notice the metal heel details are extremely clean and geometrical, which reflect the DeStiji, this movement contributed to the aesthetic of this collection.
I asked the designers  "which role have shoes in woman's life?"  "A friend that accompanied you to explore new places and meet new people."
  "Fashion advise to choose "right shoes?” "I typically try shoes on during the evening, but I focus on the quality and comfort of the shoes. As an artist I love interesting concepts and shoe designs. But most of all I value quality over quantity when it comes to my shoes,"- says Jhuoson.

  You can buy Ancense shoes here: 

Galeries Lafayette Beijing 

 Chum5 Hong Kong

 AXES Taipei

giovedì 26 maggio 2016

Giovannino Cappuccino il maestro di cappuccini

 A chi non piace gustare un bel cappuccino al mattino? Un buon caffè italiano o un cappuccino,  sono  famosi   in tutto il mondo! Ma a Giarre,  in provincia di  Catania, si possono gustare  cappuccini davvero speciali , vi presento Giovanni Costantino, un vero mago del cappuccino !!!

 "Giovanni, hai sempre lavorato nei bar? Come è nata l'idea di creare  cappuccini così divertenti?"- domando, "Ho lavorato sempre al bar, ma dallo scorso dicembre insegno all' Istituto Alberghiero "Giovanni Falcone" di Giarre, "Latte art"- risponde Giovanni.

"Tutto è iniziato per gioco; sei anni fa l’idea fu di una mia collega con cui lavoravo, Io facevo ottimi cappuccini e lei si divertiva a fare qualche decorazione. Poi io, che ho sempre amato disegnare, ho fatto tutto il resto senza  fermarmi mai più. Per fare il tratto, uso una penna "latte art"  con la punta intinta nel gel alimentare. E sempre con i gel alimentari, quelli che si usano per decorare le torte, coloro i disegni: il gel è del tutto insapore quindi il cappuccino resta buono come deve essere. Pochi minuti in più rispetto a quelli che ci vogliono per un qualsiasi cappuccino, e il gioco è fatto"
Un' altra domanda che faccio a Giovanni é: "Per le persone intolleranti al lattosio (io per esempio sono una di queste) riesci a realizzare decorazioni anche con la schiuma del latte di soia  o altri tipi di latte vegetali?"-   "Utilizzo latte di soia e latte zimil ed il risultato è lo stesso", - risponde Giovanni, - "l' importante è lavorare bene il latte"
Il personaggio preferito di Giovanni è Paperino.Le idee nascono spontanee e spesso ricevo tante richieste .Il mio cappuccino lo si può gustare all' istituto alberghiero Giovanni FALCONE di Giarre (CT) in Via Veneto 4, dove insegno ai miei alunni l'arte del decorare il latte. 
Le foto delle sue piccole opere d'arte si possono ammirare su Instagram @GIOVANNINOCAPPUCCINO oppure sulla sua pagina Facebook.